Relationships quotes

Welcome to our collection of Relationships quotes! Whether you're looking for inspiration, guidance, or simply a way to express your feelings, this page is the perfect destination for all things related to the complex world of relationships.

From romantic to familial, friendships to professional connections, relationships are a fundamental aspect of our lives. They shape us, teach us, and challenge us to grow. Here, you'll find a wide range of quotes that explore the many facets of relationships, providing you with insightful perspectives and thought-provoking words.

Discover quotes that celebrate the beauty of love, quotes that capture the complexities of human connections, and quotes that offer advice on building and sustaining healthy relationships. Whether you're navigating the journey of romance, seeking wisdom on maintaining strong friendships, or exploring the dynamics of family bonds, our collection has something for everyone.

So take a moment to browse through these powerful quotes and let them resonate with your own experiences. We hope that you find inspiration, guidance, and a deeper understanding of the intricate tapestry of connections that make up our lives. Enjoy exploring our diverse selection of Relationships quotes!

Kathryn Stockett
Kathryn Stockett
I nursed a worthless, pint drinker for twelve years and when my lazy, life-sucking, daddy finally died, I swore to God with tears in my eyes I'd never marry one. And then I did.
Alicia Machado
Alicia Machado
Well, I think it's because I'm an only daughter. I have four brothers, a bunch of guy cousins, and so it's like I was raised amongst men. So I've always gotten along really well with men.
But he doesn't love her. I invented that. It is a plot if you imagine people in love--the lazy looping criss crosses of love, blows, stares, tears. No. It doesn't happen. No love. People meet, touch, stare into one another's faces, shake their heads clear, move on, forget. It doesn't happen.
Being with you and not being with you is the only way I have to measure time.
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
I guess at the end of the day, all women like to be appreciated and treated with respect and kindness.
Perry Como
Perry Como
I worked with the world's greatest talents and then went home to the world's greatest woman. It was, and is, a great life.
I. Don't trace out your profile-- forget your side view-- all that is outer stuff. II. Look for your other half who walks always next to you and tends to be who you aren't.
My practice is focused on bodies and relationships; the relationships between people and other creatures, between people and our bodies, between creatures and the environment, between the artificial and the natural.
Erika Christensen
Erika Christensen
Film actress
FaceTime is a life saver for relationships and for family.
E. B. White
E. B. White
Versatile Writer & Author of Beloved Classics
You have been my friends. That in itself is a tremendous thing.
Rebecca Godfrey
Rebecca Godfrey
Intriguing Author & Investigative Journalist
Broken locks and bruised knees and borrowed lipgloss and rain on the streets
Russell Hoban
Russell Hoban
Versatile Author & Creative Storyteller
A family is everybody all together.
Kathleen McGowan
Kathleen McGowan
Historical Novelist Weaving Spirituality & History
The only thing sweeter than union is reunion.
Stan Lee
Stan Lee
Comic Book Icon & Creator of Marvel Heroes
Wives should be kissed - not heard.
Jeff Pinkner
Jeff Pinkner
Acclaimed Screenwriter & Producer
Every one of us, as human beings, even in a committed relationship, has moments and thoughts and actions that, whether or not they share them with their loved one, tells you, as much as anything, about them as people and their relationship.
Harvey Mackay
Harvey Mackay
Business Guru & Motivational Speaker
our lives change in two ways :through the people we meet and the books we read
Daniel Craig
Daniel Craig
Iconic James Bond Actor
I think finding the right person and being with the right person is probably the answer to most things.
M. F. K. Fisher
M. F. K. Fisher
Pioneering Food Writer
I think that when two people are able to weave that kind of invisible thread of understanding and sympathy between each other, that delicate web, they should not risk tearing it. It is too rare, and it lasts too short a time at best.
Ricky Martin
Ricky Martin
I always wanted to be a father. I have a beautiful relationship with my dad and beautiful memories. I always knew I was going to have a family.
Aisha Tyler
Aisha Tyler
American actress, comedian, director, and talk show host
I love being married. I love my husband. I think married people always have that thing where they think that the grass is greener on the single side, but all my single friends are like, "Trust me, you don't want to have to actually interact with these people."
Chadwick Boseman
Chadwick Boseman
American actor
I think you realize how much you need to have people that you love. It's not as much about them loving you - it's about you needing to love people.
Will Ferrell
Will Ferrell
American actor, comedian, producer, and writer
Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet to see who they really are.
Lindy West
Lindy West
American writer, comedian and activist
The narrative for girls is that you just hang around and wait to be "chosen" and then you belong to somebody and you live happily ever after. There isn't room for more nuanced concerns about the creepy proprietary nature of that relationship model, or the breadth of what fulfillment really means for women.
Reba McEntire
Reba McEntire
American country music singer, actress and businesswoman
He was good in business, but there was business left to do. He never said he loved me, guess he thought I knew.
Ranbir Kapoor
Ranbir Kapoor
Indian actor known for his work in Hindi-language films
Happiness exists only if you have a lot of people to share it with.
Bipasha Basu
Bipasha Basu
Indian actress and model
Nothing can save something that is not meant to be, no matter how hard you try.
Craig Stone
Craig Stone
English footballer
Small quarrels and tensions were expected because of our new environment. Every relationship has them. Each quarrel was soon forgotten and floated away on a wave. And then sometimes, on our silly days, the arguments returned on the wave, but the wave returned taller, a Tsunami, and neither of us knew where to run or what to do.
Niecy Nash
Niecy Nash
American actress, comedian and television host
If there is someone in your life who is not serving you or making you better, give yourself permission to move on.
Eli Roth
Eli Roth
American film director, producer, and actor
For a long time, I had a crazy girl dating habit.
Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin
American actor, writer, comedian, film producer, and political activist
Men are literally lying in bed with their wives when the marriage is essentially over, thinking, 'I've got to get the hell out of here', and have a fantasy woman in mind. Then you get divorced, meet a woman, marry her, and by the time all that goes by, you've aged a few years and are ready to go back to your ex-wife.
Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie
English writer known for her 66 detective novels and 14 short story collections, particularly those revolving around fictional detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple
Any woman can fool a man if she wants to and if he's in love with her.
Alexander Pope
Alexander Pope
English poet, translator, and satirist of the Augustan period
No woman ever hates a man for being in love with her, but many a woman hate a man for being a friend to her.
Albert Camus
Albert Camus
French Philosopher
Friendship often ends in love, but love in friendship - never.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Alfred Lord Tennyson
British Poet
In the long years liker they must grow; The man be more of woman, she of man.
Addison Mizner
Addison Mizner
American Architect
God gives us relatives; thank God, we can choose our friends.
Greek Philosopher
Misfortune shows those who are not really friends.
Amy Grant
Amy Grant
American Musician
I think a woman can have all of the ideas and mental pictures. She can be a real planner and a motivator. But in the end, I think a woman does best when she responds to a man.
Alex O'Loughlin
Alex O'Loughlin
Australian actor, writer, director, and producer
When I am really into a woman, the way I look at other women changes. The other women on the planet kind of fade away. And the majority of my energy goes to that person.
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich
American Poet
A thinking woman sleeps with monsters.
Adrian Dunbar
Adrian Dunbar
Irish Actor
I don't know anyone else I could have hooked up with who could have handled me. I've got my woman and she's a very good one.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
American President
Whatever woman may cast her lot with mine, should any ever do so, it is my intention to do all in my power to make her happy and contented; and there is nothing I can imagine that would make me more unhappy than to fail in the effort.
Kathryn Stockett
Kathryn Stockett
They say it's like true love, good help. You only get one in a lifetime.
Betrayal is the deepest wound. Betrayal is what remains of love, when love has gone.
Everything touches everything.
Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
People shouldn't stay married because of the kids. That's torture for everyone.
Stan Lee
Stan Lee
Comic Book Icon & Creator of Marvel Heroes
I never understood why people take drugs. They're habit forming and they can kill you. I didn't need anything to pep me up or make me feel more creative, and I didn't need them to help me with women.
Harvey Mackay
Harvey Mackay
Business Guru & Motivational Speaker
A smart manager will establish a culture of gratitude. Expand the appreciative attitude to suppliers, vendors, delivery people, and of course, customers.
M. F. K. Fisher
M. F. K. Fisher
Pioneering Food Writer
...I prefer not to have among my guests two people or more, of any sex, who are in the first wild tremours of love. It is better to invite them after their new passion has settled, has solidified into a quieter reciprocity of emotions. (It is also a waste of good food, to serve it to new lovers.)
Ricky Martin
Ricky Martin
I had very steady and formal relationships with women. And I can say, I fell in love with women and it felt right.
Aisha Tyler
Aisha Tyler
American actress, comedian, director, and talk show host
I have one girlfriend who is dating right now - she's divorced - and she's on Tinder, so we play Tinder. I know that's not a real game, but it's my favorite thing to do.
Reba McEntire
Reba McEntire
American country music singer, actress and businesswoman
Sometimes I hate how much I love him But everyday I love him more
Bipasha Basu
Bipasha Basu
Indian actress and model
Any relationship should have love, and if there is no love, it is better to call off a relationship. People say that love happens only once, but I don't believe in it because for me, if one relationship doesn't work, you should move on and seek love in another relationship. Who knows; you might find love in the second relationship.
Niecy Nash
Niecy Nash
American actress, comedian and television host
Don't go telling yourself you're in love with the man he could be; you gotta love the man standing in front of you right now. Simply put, love the person not the potential! Otherwise, he will always be disappointing to you. And whose fault is that?
Eli Roth
Eli Roth
American film director, producer, and actor
Imagine trying to relive your worst break-up, your worst fight, the most painful death of a loved one, and just really relive it step by step, and bring it up and apply it to the scene you're in.
Greek Philosopher
Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods.
Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin
American actor, writer, comedian, film producer, and political activist
I remember during my lifetime I would meet women, and it was almost like God would say to me, 'Now, this woman here is not the one you are going to end up with, but she is going to be a lot like this woman; look at this woman, study this woman.' And when my wife showed up, He was like, 'You recognize her now?'
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
American President
A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that I know will not hurt me.
Kathryn Stockett
Kathryn Stockett
Mrs. Charlotte Phelan's Guide to Husband-Hunting, Rule Number One: a pretty, petite girl should accentuate with makeup and good posture. A tall plain one, with a trust fund.
After love a formal feeling comes.
To say good-bye is to deny separation; it is to say Today we play at going our own ways, but we'll see each other tomorrow. Men invented farewells because they somehow knew themselves to be immortal, even while seeing themselves as contingent and ephemeral.
Harvey Mackay
Harvey Mackay
Business Guru & Motivational Speaker
It's the oldest, corniest piece of advice in the world but it still works. The strongest networks are built on friendship. Be a friend not only to the people in your network, but to the people who matter the most to the people in your network.
Aisha Tyler
Aisha Tyler
American actress, comedian, director, and talk show host
They always say some women like to fix people. I don't like to fix people, but you like a challenge.
Reba McEntire
Reba McEntire
American country music singer, actress and businesswoman
If I'm not the one thing you can't stand to lose, If I'm not that arrow to the heart of you, If you don't get drunk on my kiss, If you think you can do better than this then I guess we're done. Let's not drag this on, Consider me gone.
Bipasha Basu
Bipasha Basu
Indian actress and model
You can't decide whom to fall in love with. It just happens.
Niecy Nash
Niecy Nash
American actress, comedian and television host
I didn't marry a man that wanted to be in the business. But that's why we're a perfect fit.
Greek Philosopher
Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.
Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin
American actor, writer, comedian, film producer, and political activist
I don't need to be married to Georgia O'Keeffe or Lillian Hellman, but I like being with a woman I can look up to.
In love there are two things - bodies and words.
A book is not an isolated being: it is a relationship, an axis of innumerable relationships
Harvey Mackay
Harvey Mackay
Business Guru & Motivational Speaker
It's only lonely at the top if you forget all the people you met along the way and fail to acknowledge their contributions to your success.
Aisha Tyler
Aisha Tyler
American actress, comedian, director, and talk show host
Marriage isn't a carnival ride.
Reba McEntire
Reba McEntire
American country music singer, actress and businesswoman
I love my mother-in-law and I think I'm a really good one, too.
Niecy Nash
Niecy Nash
American actress, comedian and television host
I don't have a desire to do reality. Because my truth is not what people are responding to. My truth is funny; I laugh with my husband every day.
Greek Philosopher
A friend to all is a friend to none.
Truths are the last thing you learn about your family. By the time you learn, you're no longer their child.