Welcome to our collection of Wisdom quotes. In this page, you will find a wealth of insightful and thought-provoking quotes from a diverse range of sources. Whether you are seeking guidance, inspiration, or simply looking to expand your knowledge, these quotes are sure to provide the wisdom you are seeking.
Wisdom is often described as the ability to apply knowledge and experience to make sound judgments and decisions. It is a quality that comes from a deep understanding of life and the world around us. The quotes in this category capture the essence of wisdom, offering profound insights into various aspects of human existence.
From the wisdom of ancient philosophers to the wisdom of modern thinkers, this collection showcases different perspectives on life, love, success, and much more. Each quote contains a nugget of wisdom that can inspire introspection and personal growth.
Whether you are looking for nuggets of wisdom to share with others, seeking answers to life's complex questions, or simply looking for inspiration to navigate daily challenges, our collection of Wisdom quotes is a treasure trove of wisdom that will enrich your mind and soul. So, dive in and let these quotes guide you on a journey towards a wiser and more fulfilling life.
Life is an unfoldment, and the further we travel the more truth we can comprehend. To understand the things that are at our door is the best preparation for understanding those that lie beyond.
Einstein is loved because he is gentle, respected because he is wise. Relativity being not for most of us, we elevate its author to a position somewhere between Edison, who gave us a tangible gleam, and God, who gave us the difficult dark and the hope of penetrating it.
If you have attained something, this is the surest proof that you have gone astray. Therefore, not to have is to have, silence is thunder, ignorance is enlightenment.
When a person with money meets a person with experience, the person with the experience winds up with the money and the person with the money winds up with the experience.
I often teach a graduate theater seminar on Greek tragedy in performance. I usually begin by saying that no matter what technological advances occur, the wisdom of these plays will never be obsolete.
[Faith] guides me on everything I do, i ask for guidance, I ask the Lord to give me wisdom when I speak, when I think and I always try to be positive and say nice things and it gives me strength throughout every minute and every day.