Significance quotes


The category of significance is a collection of quotes that explore the depth and importance of various aspects of life. These quotes delve into the meaning and impact of different experiences, concepts, and ideas that hold significance for individuals and society as a whole. They capture the essence of what makes certain things important and explore the profound effect they can have on our lives.

Through the words of wise philosophers, thinkers, and individuals who have experienced life's ups and downs, this category seeks to shed light on the profound significance that lies within the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of our existence. Whether it be love, success, personal growth, or even the simplicity of everyday moments, these quotes offer insight and inspiration to contemplate the significance that resonates within each of us.

In this collection, you will find powerful quotes that encourage self-reflection, motivate action, and provoke deeper thought about the things that truly matter. It is within the significance of these ideas and experiences that we often find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in our lives. So take a moment to explore these quotes and discover the significance they hold for you.

Kathryn Stockett
Kathryn Stockett
President Kennedy’s assassination, less than two weeks ago, has struck the world dumb. It’s like no one wants to be the first to break the silence. Nothing seems important.
These novels [Zombie, My Sister, My Love] are so special to me. [I don't expect that they will have nearly the same significance to anyone else.] They represent a kind of fiction I would love to pursue more or less constantly, but dare not.
Then I reflect that all things happen, happen to one, precisely now. Century follows century, and things happen only in the present. There are countless men in the air, on land and at sea, and all that really happens happens to me.
Craig Stone
Craig Stone
English footballer
Without the sleeping bag I'm just somebody up early in the morning, sitting under a tree. With the sleeping bag I'm nobody up early, sitting under a tree: a slight, but important difference in how I’ll be perceived.
What is memory but the repository of things doomed to be forgotten, so you must have History. You must have labor to invent History. Being faithful to all that happens to you of significance, recording days, dates, events, names, sights not relying merely upon memory which fades like a Polaroid print where you see the memory fading before your eyes like time itself retreating.
Productivity is a relative matter. And it's really insignificant: What is ultimately important is a writer's strongest books.