Danger quotes

Welcome to our Danger quotes page! Here, you will find a collection of powerful, thought-provoking, and adrenaline-pumping quotes that explore the concept of danger in all its forms. From facing physical risks to acknowledging the perils of our own thoughts and actions, these quotes aim to inspire, caution, and shed light on the inherent dangers that exist in our lives.

Danger is a compelling concept that captivates us with its allure and intensity. It pushes boundaries, tests our limits, and forces us to confront our fears. Whether it is the thrill of a daring adventure, the excitement of an extreme sport, or the courage to tackle life's uncertainties, danger reminds us of the exhilarating and unpredictable nature of our existence.

In these quotes, you will find renowned authors, philosophers, adventurers, and thinkers who have contemplated the essence of danger. They delve into the dichotomy of fear and bravery, the consequences of risk-taking, and the fragility of human life. Whether you seek inspiration, reflection, or a greater understanding of the world, these quotes offer insights into the complex relationship between humans and danger.

So, browse through our curated collection of Danger quotes and let the words of wisdom ignite your curiosity, encourage you to embrace challenges, and remind you of the constant ebb and flow between safety and hazard in our lives.

Jay Rockefeller
Jay Rockefeller
United States Senator
One year after the United States led the invasion of Iraq, the country remains extremely dangerous not only to our troops, but also to the stability of the world.
The danger of motherhood. you relive your early self, through the eyes of your mother.
I can give you my loneliness, my darkness, the hunger of my heart, I am trying to bribe you with uncertainty, with danger, with defeat.
Kathleen McGowan
Kathleen McGowan
Historical Novelist Weaving Spirituality & History
I don't want it to appear that I'm standing up and saying I'm the expected one. That's a dangerous, ego-driven kind of thing.
Mary Ellen Chase
Mary Ellen Chase
New England's Literary Voice
The greatest danger in any argument is that real issues often clouded by superficial ones, that momentary passions may obscure permanent realities.
M. F. K. Fisher
M. F. K. Fisher
Pioneering Food Writer
The oyster leads a dreadful but exciting life. Indeed, his chance to live at all is slim, and if he should survive the arrows of his own outrageous fortune and in the two weeks of his carefree youth find a clean smooth place to fix on, the years afterwards are full of stress, passion, and danger.
Loneliness is dangerous ... because if aloneness does not lead to God, it leads to the devil. It leads to the self.