New England's Literary Voice
Mary Ellen Chase was a distinguished American author and educator, born on February 24, 1887. Known for her contributions to literature and academia, Chase's writings often celebrated the landscapes and cultures of New England.
Chase authored numerous novels, essays, and literary works, including "Mary Peters" (1920) and "The Lovely Ambition" (1926). Her ability to evoke the spirit of her beloved region through her words captured the hearts of readers and showcased her deep appreciation for the beauty of nature.
As a dedicated educator, Mary Ellen Chase also imparted her passion for literature to students. Her legacy continues to inspire both writers and educators, embodying the connection between literature, culture, and the environment.
ReflectionPersonal TransformationIt is quite possible to leave your home for a walk in the early morning air and return a different person - beguiled, enchanted.
PerceptionMindsetChristmasCelebrationChristmas is not a date. It is a state of mind.
BooksImportanceReadingThere is no substitute for books in the life of a child.
TimePersonal GrowthFutureReflectionMemoriesEven one's yesterdays could not continue to stir and move in a man's mind unless there were a future for those yesterdays to make.
UnderstandingSufferingSuffering without understanding in this life is a heap worse than suffering when you have at least the grain of an idea what it's all for.
EleganceOriginalityFoodWhatever laudable qualities the English may possess in their selection, preparation, and consumption of food, elegance, originality, diversity, and imagination are not among them.
PassionDangerThe greatest danger in any argument is that real issues often clouded by superficial ones, that momentary passions may obscure permanent realities.
KnowledgePowerTeachingOf all the excellent teachers of college English whom I have known I have never discovered one who knew precisely what he was doing. Therein have lain their power and their charm.
To lovers of the long and intricate history of language the disuse and final death of certain words is a matter of regret. Yet every age bears witness to the inevitableness of such loss.
Work EthicManual labor to my father was not only good and decent for it's own sake but, as he was given to saying, it straightened out one's thoughts.