Authorship quotes

Welcome to our collection of quotes on the topic of Authorship. This category celebrates the art and craft of writing, highlighting the thoughts and experiences of authors from all walks of life. Whether you are an aspiring writer, a literature enthusiast, or simply curious about the creative process, these quotes offer valuable insights into the world of authorship.

Throughout history, authors have used their words to inspire, entertain, and provoke thought. From the poignant novels of Jane Austen to the thought-provoking essays of George Orwell, the power of the written word has shaped our understanding of the world. Within this category, you will find quotes that explore the joys and challenges of being an author, the process of storytelling, and the impact that literature can have on society.

These quotes are a celebration of the written word in all its forms. They highlight the struggles and triumphs of authors, the beauty of language, and the limitless possibilities of storytelling. Whether you are seeking inspiration for your own writing journey or simply looking to explore the thoughts of renowned authors, we hope that these quotes on authorship will ignite your imagination and deepen your appreciation for the written word.

So, grab a cup of coffee, find a cozy spot, and immerse yourself in the words of these passionate and insightful voices. Let their wisdom inspire your own creative endeavors and remind you of the power of the written word in shaping our lives and understanding of the world.

Writing is the most solitary of arts.
My books standing there on the shelf do not know that I have written them.
Peter Temple
Peter Temple
Acclaimed Australian Crime Fiction Author
As far as I am concerned, I write novels, and other people can do the labelling.
Stan Lee
Stan Lee
Comic Book Icon & Creator of Marvel Heroes
I see myself in everything I write. All the good guys are me.
Ed McBain
Ed McBain
American author and screenwriter
Readers are what it's all about, aren't they? If not, why am I writing?
In the critic's vocabulary, the word "precursor" is indispensable, but it should be cleansed of all connotations of polemic or rivalry. The fact is that every writer creates his own precursors. His work modifies our conception of the past, as it will modify the future." -- Essay: "Kafka and his Precursors
Stan Lee
Stan Lee
Comic Book Icon & Creator of Marvel Heroes
No matter what you write, it's a matter of putting words in a certain order so that the reader will be interested in what you're writing.
Every writer creates his own precursors. His work modifies our conception of the past, as it will modify the future.
Stan Lee
Stan Lee
Comic Book Icon & Creator of Marvel Heroes
I always sympathized with the people who did work for hire; I was one of them.