Neil Patrick Harris quotes

Welcome to the Neil Patrick Harris quotes page! Here, you will find a collection of insightful and entertaining quotes from the multi-talented actor, singer, and magician. Neil Patrick Harris has captured the hearts of millions with his incredible performances on stage and screen, as well as his charming personality off-camera.

From his iconic role as Barney Stinson on the hit TV series "How I Met Your Mother" to his mesmerizing magic tricks as the host of the Tony Awards, Neil Patrick Harris has proven time and time again that he is a true force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry. His wit, charisma, and undeniable talent have made him a beloved figure in popular culture.

Whether you're a fan of his acting prowess, his show-stopping musical performances, or simply admire his unapologetic authenticity, this page is a treasure trove of Neil Patrick Harris quotes that will make you laugh, think, and maybe even shed a tear. Join us as we explore the wisdom and humor of this extraordinary individual and gain a deeper understanding of his remarkable journey.

Get ready to be inspired, entertained, and enlightened as we dive into the world of Neil Patrick Harris and discover the words of wisdom that have shaped his career and touched the lives of countless fans around the globe. Let these quotes serve as a reminder of the immense talent and infectious spirit that Neil Patrick Harris brings to everything he does.

Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
I've got no plans to be a ballet dancer at the moment.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
I would not dream of taking on Tobey Maguire. Plus, he's a talented and nice guy, and I have nothing but nice things to say about him.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
May I suggest a drinking game where everytime I do a ridiculously long awkward blink, someone does a shot of some kind of alcohol?
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
I love the American musical for the simplicity of emotion that gets expressed.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
Jim Henson was the only piece of fan mail I ever wrote when I was a little kid.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
I've been very fortunate to go from interesting chapter to interesting chapter.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
I have an unbelievable assistant who handles all of my scheduling! It's like a Tetris game.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
As an actor, you most often play relatively average parts, so to get to play extreme versions of anything, those are the most exciting parts.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
I don't want to have to inadvertently find a gift and go like, "What the hell is? Oh no, that's for me." And then have to pretend like I'm surprised later. If I know where they're hidden, I will not look. I love presents and I hate faking surprises.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
He's easily the most well-adjusted former child star in the room, please welcome... Jason Bateman.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
I don't stay up and rent private jets and go on yachts and whoop it up in Miami.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
I thought the idea of 'Smurfs' lent itself to the 3-D environment pretty well, I think, better than some of the farm animal movies that have been done before. I was a fan of the 'Smurfs' and they come with their own fan base, which I thought was nice.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
I've gotten to hang out with Elmo, I'm the Fairy Shoeperson on 'Sesame Street'. So hopefully our kids will get to see and hear me as much as they're able.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
Chef's choice is my favorite. I'm super adventurous.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
A cardio-funk class - I should have at least taken one of those. But it's always terrified me. I'm never one to be a dancer on the dance floor, even at a bar or a club.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
I'm a very lucky man in this chapter of my professional life, 'cause I get to do jobs with wildly different skill sets.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
I love the 'So You Think You Can Dance' show. I love it. I think it's some of the best hours on TV.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
Starship Troopers was great. It was great fun to work on something with blue screens and big budget special effects. Denise Richards was nice to look at too, of course.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
[Before introducing the nominees for best animated film] If you're at the awards party with the guys who made the Lego Movie, now would be a good time to distract them.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
I pride myself in being able to straddle demographics and if that was said as Barney Stinson it would mean a little different thing.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
I'm in a play on Broadway, I have an animated TV show coming up, I have a few movies that just came out.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
I do a lot of books on tape for Beverly Cleary, and another 'Smurfs' shout-out for that demographic.
Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris
American actor, singer, writer, producer, and television host
I sort of pride myself in my dissatisfaction with my work. I've always been concerned with buying the hype, and having that make your performances suffer.