Experimentation quotes

Welcome to our collection of Experimentation quotes. In the realm of science, discovery often begins with a simple question and a willingness to explore the unknown. The act of experimentation is a fundamental part of the scientific process, enabling researchers to test hypotheses, uncover new knowledge, and push the boundaries of what we understand about the world around us.

Experimentation is not limited to the scientific field; it extends to all aspects of life. Whether it's trying out a new recipe in the kitchen, exploring different artistic techniques, or taking on a new hobby, the spirit of experimentation allows us to break free from our comfort zones and gain fresh perspectives.

In the words of great thinkers and innovators, this collection of quotes celebrates the power and importance of experimentation. These words of wisdom inspire us to embrace the unknown, embrace failure as a stepping stone towards success, and approach every opportunity as a chance to learn and grow.

Join us on this journey of exploration as we dive into the world of Experimentation and soak in the wisdom of those who have dared to ask, "What if?" and challenge the status quo.

Erika Christensen
Erika Christensen
Film actress
I cook a lot. I'm always experimenting. I'm not much of a recipe follower.
Paul Halmos
Paul Halmos
Influential Mathematician & Educator
Mathematics is not a deductive science - that's a cliché. When you try to prove a theorem, you don't just list the hypotheses, and then start to reason. What you do is trial and error, experimentation, guesswork.
Len Wiseman
Len Wiseman
Talented Filmmaker of "Underworld"
LSD caused a lot of experimenting going on. And we're thinking, 'Wait a minute, what if we've got...' I always thought, 'What if some of those experiments actually had worked?' And what if they did? We probably wouldn't know that they existed. We heard that they were shut down, but we probably wouldn't be told if they succeeded.
Will Ferrell
Will Ferrell
American actor, comedian, producer, and writer
I want to make hip-hop that can use guitars and soul and jazz and just fuse it all together. And I want to make this whole new sound that's going to shock the world. Unfortunately, the masses didn't receive it.
Paul Halmos
Paul Halmos
Influential Mathematician & Educator
Mathematics is not a deductive science - that's a cliché... What you do is trial and error, experimentation, guesswork.