American fashion designer
William Ralph Blass
EleganceSimplicity is the soul of modern elegance.
BooksReading has given me more satisfaction than really anything else.
FashionClothesDior really was a savior. He almost single-handedly revived women's interest in clothes.
WomanClothesWe don't live in a world of reality, we live in a world of perceptions. No woman can be well dressed unless she is comfortable in what she is wearing.
FashionSomething about glamour interested me. All my schoolbooks had drawings of women on terraces with a cocktail and a cigarette.
FashionWomanClothesEach individual piece is a calculated attempt to entice women to add to their wardrobe.
FashionStyleSometimes the eye gets so accustomed that if you don't have a change, you're bored. It's the same with fashion, you know. And that, I suppose, is what style is about.
ColorRed is the ultimate cure for sadness.