Best quotes by Andrew Levitas

Andrew Levitas

Andrew Levitas

American painter, sculptor, filmmaker, writer, producer, photographer, restaurateur, and actor

Andrew Levitas (born September 4, 1977) is an American painter, sculptor, filmmaker, writer, producer, photographer, restaurateur, and actor.

All quotes by Andrew Levitas:

I think that being an artist is more an approach to life than an approach to work.

I don't care about anybody's opinion - I care that my movies move you in a way to think about things and consider your own life.

When I get to the movie set, I don't need to have a sort of iron fist that a movie is about me and my ideas. A lot of filmmakers don't have that benefit, so when they have their moment to let all that creativity out of them, it's all about them. It's their movie; it's their thing.

I have the incredibly good fortune of being able to make the majority of the work I produce in the world on my own with no one bothering me. It really comes entirely out of me.

We live in a world where you can walk into a bookstore and get a how-to guide on just about anything. But no one tells you how to die with dignity. No one tells you how to go out like the winner.